Friday, May 29, 2009

Of Things Lost

High school is no longer mine.  Its not like I'm leaving my home for college; when that happens I'll be welcome back.  I'm leaving high school for good.  No coming back.  No more first days of school, no more cramming for AP tests, no more staying up late for homework I've had dozens of hours to do, no more band concerts in my sweaty oversized tux, no more shitty band camps, no more competitions to see who can take more AP classes than everybody else, no more calculating to see if my GPA is above 4.165 or not, no more Supernova, no more audience-less jazz band competitions, no more thrills marching on the feild at Valley, no more listening to Dub push her students, no more 7 a.m. classes, no more waiting 10 minutes to get from the North lot to my house two kilometers away.  I'll go back, but none of that will ever be mine again.

1 comment:

Aaron Martin said...

Kilometers; what are you, British? I understand this bittersweet. I hope it remains this melodramatic in my mind for a long time.