Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Of Obamarama

I, like the rest of the country, watched Obama's ascent to the presidency and was impressed by the intensity of his following, both in excitement and numbers. It was amazing to see the massive crowds that poured out to watch his DNC acceptance speech, his Nov. 4 speech, and his inauguration. His public speaking skills are superb and the magnitude of his following is astonishing. Millions of people fleeing to see Obama, thousands upon thousands brought to tears. Millions and millions of campaign donations and tons of Obama fanboys/girls, of which I was one.

But where has all this energy gone? This "dawn of a new era" feeling that I felt on Jan 20 seemed to last until about midnight. What all will his millions of supporters do? The only role of the citizen in government is to elect representatives, and that's been done. Will crowds of people fix the economy? Will rallies help us find Bin Laden? Will the excitement and energy that got a black man with a name like Barack Hussein Obama elected do anything for our country before he runs for re-election? I haven't seen it happen yet and I fear it never will.

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